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Theodor Weber (Leipzig, 1838 - Paris, 1907)

Originally a German born in Leipzig in 1838, Theodor Weber made his career in France. He specialised in marines and seascapes and was a regular exhibitor at the Salon de Paris from 1858 until his death in 1907, earning numerous accolades during his career. In 1886, he was promoted to the prestigious position of official painter of the French navy: ‘peintre officiel de la Marine et du ministère des Colonies’. His scenes are mostly views off the coasts of la Manche and Belgium. 


Catalogue Raisonée of works in Museums: 

  • Cologne: Flessingue

  • Dijon: Naufrage de l’Euphémie

  • Leipzig: Après L’orage

  • Melbourne: Barques de pécheurs partant de Boulogne

  • Mulhouse: En rade de BoulogneJournée de pluie au Tréport

  • Nice: Clair de lune à Gravelingue

  • Nottingham: Bateaux de pécheurs en mer

  • Rio de Janeiro: Naufrage

  • Sydney: Ostende



  • Bénézit, Emmanuel et Busse, Jacques, Dictionnaire Critique et Documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs de Tous les Temps et de Tous les Pays, 1854-1920, 14 vols (Paris: Gründ, 1999), XIV

  • Schurr, Gérald and Cabanne, Pierre, Dictionnaire des Petits Maîtres de la Peinture, 1820-1920, 4 vols (Paris: Éditions de l'Amateur, 1996), IV

Bio Theodor Weber (Leipzig, 1838 - Paris, 1907): Artists
Bio Theodor Weber (Leipzig, 1838 - Paris, 1907): Image
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